Skylords Reborn

BattleForge uses a unique game mechanic called void power. Whenever you cast a spell or ability, or whenever your units or buildings are destroyed, a portion of the power spent is recycled into the void pool (usually 90%). This power is returned to the power pool over time.

Understanding void power is crucial to being succesful in the game, as it is the key to using your limited power supply efficiently.


This table lists which things give void power. The percentage is based on the modified cost of the unit, building or spell if you have any cost reducing effects. The power that would be gained as void power when a unit or building dies is called bound power, since it is bound on the battlefield until the unit or building dies.

Source Void Refund Lost
Unit dies 90% 10%
Unit summoned by ability or spell dies 0% 0%
Building destroyed 90% 10%
Wall destroyed 90% 10%
Power well destroyed 0% 100%
Monument destroyed 0% 100%
Spell 90% 10%
Activated ability 90% 10%
Toggled ability 100% 0%
Repair costs 100% 0%

Special cases:

  • Units summoned by spells or abilities bind no power and give no void refund, because they were never played as a card. Instead the spell or ability used to summon the unit refunds power as usual.
  • Units that are mindcontrolled refund power as if they were killed. The spell, abilty or creature (Parasite Swarm) that was the source of the mind control effect refunds power right away. This means that mindcontrolled units bind no power.

Recycle rate

The rate at which void power flows back into the power pool is 1 power every 2 seconds for every 50 power in the void pool, rounded down to the nearest 50 power. The minimum void flow is 1 power per 2 seconds, and the maximum void flow is 20 power per two seconds.

For example if you have 369 void power the recycle rate is 350/50 = 7 power every 2 seconds.

The current void pool and the rate at which power is recycled is displayed on the UI next to the minimap.

Cards that affect Void Power directly

Cards that are affected by Void Power

Power Flow

The following picture shows a complete overview of the power flow, combining the information about power wells and void power. It is important that you are aware of how power is recycled when playing BattleForge! Power flow2

In addition to the depicted energy flow, certain card abilties can move power from one pool to another pool directly. For example Energy Parasite or Shrine of War.


  • Whenever you do not have a use for a building, unit or wall it is often best to delete it to gain power back through the void and use that power for something else.
  • Losing a power well or monument is a permanent power disadvantage and could potentially lose you the match. So protect them at all costs. Repairing wells and monuments is expensive but you get a full refund.