Skylords Reborn

Sunstriders is a Tier 1 (Tokenslot Orb Fire) Icon UnitUnit of the Fire faction. This common card was released with the Twilight Edition and has no affinity variants, nor a promo version.
In Skylords Reborn this card is available to all players as a starter card.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.

Boasting the highest single target damage output of the early archers, the Sunstriders are an immense offensive force. Furthermore, their capacity to suppress enemy buildings grants them a special tactical advantage.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Bow Attack
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 2.5 seconds, unit fires arrows at enemies that deal 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 damage.
Availability: Upgrade 3
Card Icon Passive Passive: Deals 1 more damage against structures.
Suppression Fire
Power Cost: 10
Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Active: Activate to disable enemy building's attacks and special abilities for 15 / 17 / 20 / 20 seconds. Has a long range of 50m. Reusable every 20 seconds.

Serves as a cheap, long range method of inflicting Suppression Card Icon Suppression on an enemy tower. This ability will still work even with only one Sunstrider alive in the squad.

Notes & Strategies

Sunstriders are powerful and cheap, but easily killed in battle. A common staple in most fire decks, and very useful if they are protected from harm. Their ability to suppress enemy structures provides extra viability outside of tier one, and can aid in pushing enemy camps with minimal cost. Sunstriders pair strongly with Thugs Card Icon Thugs and Scavenger Card Icon Scavenger.

Campaign PvE

In campaign missions, there exist certain structures that are immune to Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon Suppression Fire. These include Spawn Buildings and Emitters.

Random PvE

In random PvE, Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon Suppression Fire cannot be used to disable Spawn Buildings.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Sunstriders Card Icon Sunstriders Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Bow Attack
+1 damage
Suppression Fire
+2 seconds duration
Bow Attack
+1 damage
Suppression Fire
+3 seconds duration
Bow Attack
+1 damage
+ Siege
Drop Location Defending Hope Minimap Defending Hope Defending Hope Minimap Defending Hope Defending Hope Minimap Defending Hope
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400042
  • Active ability Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon Suppression Fire:
    • Decreased the activation cost from 25 power to 10 power.
  • Adjusted the card's upgrade drop locations:
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Sunstriders Card Icon Sunstriders Encounters with Twilight Encounters with Twilight Encounters with Twilight Defending Hope Defending Hope Defending Hope
Patch #400031
  • Autocast ability Card Icon Autocast Bow Attack:
    • Improved ability name in Russian.
  • The passive ability Siege is now properly shown on the card and explained in its tooltip.
    • This is only a descriptive change, previously the ability was simply not displayed.
  • Active ability Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon Suppression Fire:
    • Increased the duration from 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 to 15 / 17 / 20 / 20 seconds.
    • Added ability range to the tooltip description.
    • Added a preview of the ability radius that is displayed on hover over the ability activation button.
Patch #400022
  • Active ability Sunstriders Suppression Fire Ability Icon Suppression Fire:
    • Corrected a small typo in the English ability name.

See also

Number of Orbs

Basic Info[]

Sunstriders can be found on Battlegrounds in the fire preset. They are powerful archers with the unique ability to disable your towers and other buildings at range with Suppressive Fire. The threat they pose to you in combat is relatively minor but they are still an archer worth considering a threat.


Bow Attack
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 2,5 seconds, unit fires arrows at enemies that deal 11 damage.
Suppression Fire
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 20 seconds, unit can disable enemy building's attacks and special abilities for 15 seconds.

Tips & Strategies[]

While their performance as an archer is not quite as grand as some other factions, their ability to suppress towers allows them to counter the tower pull strategy that can ease the initial push. Engaging solely with units, preferably small ones is the way to go.


Non-Player Sunstriders share the same stats as upgraded Sunstriders Card Icon Sunstriders.
