Skylords Reborn

Skylords Reborn - Open Beta Trailer

What is Skylords Reborn?

Skylords Reborn is a community-made, non-profit relaunch of BattleForge. BattleForge was an online Real-Time Strategy game with elements of a Trading Card Game, developed by EA Phenomic and published by Electronic Arts. It was released on Windows in March 2009. The game servers were shut down on the 31st of October 2013 at midnight (UTC). Learn more about the story behind the shutdown from this interview with TheBlackOne, one of the ex-software engineers who worked on BattleForge.

Skylords Reborn is planned to go into Open Beta end of February 2018 at the earliest.

Have some questions about Skylords Reborn? Check out the FAQ or Open Beta Information forum threads.

Join the Skylords Reborn community today! All you need to be able to play is an account on the Skylords Reborn Forums.


Getting Started

Account CreationInstallation GuideLanguagesSystem Requirements

Gameplay Basics

CardsDeckMonuments & OrbsPowerPlaying the Game

Advanced Gameplay

AbilitiesAffinityCard UpgradesGround PresenceKeyboard ShortcutsVoid Power

The Game

Economy ▪ ▪ FactionsLorePvEPvP


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