Skylords Reborn

Skydefender is a Tier 2 (Tokenslot Orb FireTokenslot Orb Shadow) Icon BuildingBuilding of the Bandit faction. This common card was released with the Renegade Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Nature Nature and Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Gifted Thrill
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Nature Nature
Card Icon Autocast Affinity Nature Autocast: Every 3 seconds, tower shoots penetrating bolts that deal 130 / 135 / 142 / 153 damage to enemy units in a 8m radius around its target, up to 195 / 203 / 214 / 230 in total. Attacked units cannot use their special abilities for 15 seconds. Has a long range of 50m. Affects air targets only.
Life Stealer
Card Icon Passive Passive: 15% of the damage dealt by the building will repair the building and restore its life points.

Tainted Thrill
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow
Card Icon Autocast Affinity Shadow Autocast: Every 3 seconds, tower bolts penetrating arrows that deal 130 / 135 / 142 / 153 damage to enemy units in a 8m radius around its target, up to 195 / 203 / 214 / 230 in total. The damage dealt by this building cannot be warded off with the help of damage reducing abilities because it is able to circumvent every buff or protective shield. Has a long range of 50m. Affects air targets only.
Life Stealer
Card Icon Passive Passive: 15% of the damage dealt by the building will repair the building and restore its life points.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Skydefender Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Skydefender (Nature) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Gifted Thrill
+5 damage per target, 8 in total
Gifted Thrill
+7 damage per target, 11 in total
Gifted Thrill
+11 damage per target, 16 in total
Drop Location Convoy Minimap Convoy Convoy Minimap Convoy Convoy Minimap Convoy
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Skydefender Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Skydefender (Shadow) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Tainted Thrill
+5 damage per target, 8 in total
Tainted Thrill
+7 damage per target, 11 in total
Tainted Thrill
+11 damage per target, 16 in total
Drop Location Convoy Minimap Convoy Convoy Minimap Convoy Convoy Minimap Convoy
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400042
  • Increased the building's life points from 1400 to 1600.
  • Autocast ability Card Icon Autocast Affinity Nature Gifted Thrill / Card Icon Autocast Affinity Shadow Tainted Thrill:
    • Increased the damage per bolt from 105 / 110 / 117 / 128 (157 / 165 / 176 / 192 in total) to 130 / 135 / 142 / 153 (195 / 203 / 214 / 230 in total).
      • Increased displayed attack value of total damage dealt over 20 seconds from 1470 / 1545 / 1650 / 1800 to 1950 / 2030 / 2140 / 2300.
    • Increased attack range from 40m to 50m.
    • Increased splash damage radius from 5m to 8m.
  • Adjusted the card's upgrade drop locations:
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Skydefender Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Skydefender (Shadow) Mo Mo Mo Convoy Convoy Convoy
Patch #400031
  • Passive ability Card Icon Passive Life Stealer:
    • Corrected small typo in German ability description.
Patch #400030
  • Autocast ability Card Icon Autocast Affinity Nature Gifted Thrill / Card Icon Autocast Affinity Shadow Tainted Thrill:
    • Improved ability description to be more consistent.

See also

Number of Orbs