Skylords Reborn

Nightmare Shard is a 2-player PvE scenario that can be played on Standard, Advanced and Expert difficulty. It is part of the campaign story The Twilight Taint.

Recover the Shard of the Forge that has crashed into the Shattered Lands.



 Brannoc’s rage had torn free a shard of the Forge. It fell earthward and crashed in the Shattered Lands. There, its magic went wild. Still a part of the Forge, it could turn the dreams of mortals into potent reality. But nearby were those infected with the curse, and it was their dreams that were born . Thus twisted nightmares gave birth to darker dreams, made flesh that which should not exist. The Twilight sensed the power of the shard, soon witches and other warped creatures journeyed towards it.
— The Aedai Chronicles

The fireball had arched skywards, burning its way through the clouds, challenging the new sun with a blaze of its own. Fuelled by Brannoc’s frustration, fear and scorn, it had slammed into the Forge.

As the majestical palace had shuddered, those within realized their home was not beyond attack. Moon’s gaze found the shard of the Forge that had broken away. Its unfettered magic already snaked through the lands, powerful and chaotic. Even the Skylords knew nothing of the Forge’s creation, they assumed it had been created by the gods. But the magic streaming from this piece seemed strange and vile.

A presence was closing in, one she knew and feared even before it had been corrupted by the Twilight. The Sisters of Chaos, witches who claimed most of the Shattered Lands as their own, seemed to know exactly what had crashed into their realm. Even beneath the Twilight insanity, Moon could feel their ancient, vile intent.


 With no Twilight creatures to feed the shard their nightmares, it grew silent. But dangerous magic lay dormant in its shattered form and such potential remained a dire threat.
— The Aedai Chronicles


Nightmare Shard Available Tier 1 Upgrades
(Total: 28)
Available Tier 2 Upgrades
(Total: 22)
Available Tier 3 Upgrades (Total: 22)
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert
List of Card Upgrades

Strategy & Notes

If a unit or building is positioned within 30m of the Shard of the Forge it can grant 15 power every 15 seconds for a limited number of times to respective players. By comparison a power well grants 30 power over 60 seconds. Consistently guarding the shard can therefore net a lot of additional power.

After the shard has run out of power it will instead heal surrounding player units.


Patch History

Patch #400042
  • Replaced on expert difficulty the spawning Twilight Deathglider Entity Icon Twilight Deathglider in both of the Shadow spawn camps with a squad of Twilight Mindbenders Entity Icon Twilight Mindbenders ().
Nightmare Shard Minimap
Patch #400033
  • Added 1 additional starting Power Well Entity Icon Power Well for each player with 600 power capacity (1).
    • This means these power wells are built and produce power for the players right from the start of the game.
  • Increased the capacity of each of the 2 power wells in various camps from 600 to 900 power (2).
  • Once the goal Goal Letter Icon B Eradicate the Twilight Infestation Entity Icon Twilight Infestations. is active, the fog of war is removed and permanent vision is granted in a 35m radius around each of those 8 spawn buildings ().
Nightmare Shard Minimap1122222

See also

Maps (Number of players)
scenarios (PvE)
1 Player Behind Enemy Lines Minimap Behind Enemy LinesDefending Hope Minimap Defending HopeEncounters with Twilight Minimap Encounters with Twilight ▪ (Introduction Minimap Introduction) ▪ Mo Minimap MoOcean Minimap OceanOracle Minimap OracleSiege of Hope Minimap Siege of HopeThe Soultree Minimap The SoultreeThe Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet
2 Players Convoy Minimap ConvoyCrusade Minimap CrusadeInto the Jungle Minimap Into the JungleNightmare Shard Minimap Nightmare ShardNightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's EndSlave Master Minimap Slave MasterSunbridge Minimap SunbridgeThe Insane God Minimap The Insane GodUnexpected Visitors Minimap Unexpected Visitors
4 Players Bad Harvest Minimap Bad HarvestBlight Minimap BlightEmpire Minimap EmpireKing of the Giants Minimap King of the GiantsRaven's End Minimap Raven's EndThe Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven RiddleThe Guns of Lyr Minimap The Guns of LyrTitans Minimap Titans
12 Players Ascension Map 1 MinimapAscension Map 2 MinimapAscension Map 3 Minimap AscensionPassage to Darkness Map 1 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 2 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 3 Minimap Passage to Darkness
Player vs Player maps (PvP) 1vs1 Elyon Minimap ElyonHaladur Minimap HaladurLajesh Minimap LajeshSimai Minimap SimaiUro Minimap UroWazhai Minimap WazhaiYrmia Minimap Yrmia
2vs2 Danduil Minimap DanduilFyre Minimap FyreGorgash Minimap GorgashKoshan Minimap KoshanNadai Minimap NadaiTuran Minimap TuranYshia Minimap YshiaZahadune Minimap Zahadune