Skylords Reborn

This is the documentation page for Module:Card/data


This module stores all data about the currently existing playable cards in alphabetical order. Whenever card changes occur this template needs to be updated respectively.


All cards' data is stored in a standardized way as shown below.

    ["card name (variant)"] = {
        affinity = ,
        description = ,
        starter_card = ,
        type = ,
        construction_time = ,
        orbs = ,
        power_cost = ,
        charges = ,
        squadqsize = ,
        class = ,
        weapon_type = ,
        counter = ,
        size = ,
        damage = ,
        health = ,
        edition = ,
        rarity = ,
        upgrade_locations = ,
        upgrade_text = ,
        abilities = {
                name = ability 1,
                type = ,
                upgrade_dependency = ,
                affinity_dependency = ,
                cost = ,
                description = ,
                values = ,
                upgrade_text = ,
            }, {
                name = ability n ,
                type = ,
                upgrade_dependency = ,
                affinity_dependency = ,
                cost = ,
                description = ,
                values = ,
                upgrade_text = ,
Parameter and syntax explanation
Parameter Explanation / Usage Notes Omissible Accepted Input
["<card name> <variant>"] Full name of the card followed by the variant. False
affinity Overwrites indicated affinity by variant (for promo cards with affinities). True
  • "Fire"
  • "Frost"
  • "Nature"
  • "Shadow"
description Descriptive sentence that is shown in the card's tooltip above the abilities. True
  • "<Custom text>"
starter_card Indicates that the card is owned by all players as a PvE starter card. True
  • If false (default): nil
  • If true: true
type Type of the card. False
  • "Unit"
  • "Building"
  • "Spell"
construction_time Base construction time of the building in seconds. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Building".
    • <Custom integer>
    • If it changes with upgrades use the following syntax:
      • {<value>, <value>, <value>, <value>}
orbs Required orbs of the card, ordered from right to left; up to 4 separated by comma; all mono or dual color combinations are allowed. False
  • Minimum Syntax: {"<orb>"},
  • Maximum Syntax: {"<orb>", "<orb>", "<orb>", "<orb>"},
  • Available orbs:
    • Fire
    • Frost
    • Nature
    • Shadow
    • Neutral
power_cost Power cost of the card. False
  • <Custom integer value>, should not exceed 3 digits
  • If it changes with upgrades use the following syntax:
    • {<value>, <value>, <value>, <value>}
charges Number of times the fully charged card can be played before the recharge cooldown starts. False
  • <Integer>, available charge rules are:
    • 4 for: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
    • 8 for: 4 / 6 / 7 / 8
    • 12 for: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
    • 16 for: 8 / 11 / 14 / 16
    • 20 for: 10 / 14 / 17 / 20
    • 24 for: 12 / 16 / 20 / 24
squadsize Amount of individual members of which the the squad consists. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit".
    • <Custom integer value>, should not exceed 2 digits
class Class of the card False
  • "<Custom text>"
weapon_type Attack type of the card, Melee and Ranged can be influenced by counter. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit".
    • "Melee"
    • "Ranged"
    • "Special"
counter Size type countered by the card, can be influenced by weapon_type, does not work with "Special". Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit".
    • "S"
    • "M"
    • "L"
    • "XL"
size Size type of the card. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit".
    • "S"
    • "M"
    • "L"
    • "XL"
damage Displayed attack value of the card. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit" or in some cases "Building".
    • <Custom integer value>, should not exceed 5 digits
health Amount of health points the entity has. Conditional
  • Only applicable if type is "Unit" or "Building".
    • <Custom integer value>, should not exceed 5 digits
edition Edition icon in the bottom right corner, influenced by rarity (does not work alone). False
  • "Twilight"
  • "Renegade"
  • "Lost Souls"
  • "Amii"
rarity Rarity icon in the bottom right corner, influenced by edition (does not work alone). False
  • "Common"
  • "Uncommon"
  • "Rare"
  • "Ultra Rare"
upgrade_locations Campaign drop locations of each upgrade card. Most left being upgrade 1, most right being upgrade 3. Conditional
  • Not required if the variant is (Promo).
    • {<map name>, <map name>, <map name>}
upgrade_text Text on upgrade cards that does not belong to a specific ability. Changes in construction_time, power_cost, damage or health are excluded and will be displayed automatically. True
  • {"<Custom text upgrade 1>", "<Custom text upgrade 2>", "<Custom text upgrade 3>"}
    • If the custom text is not requiered for all upgrades simply leave the respective upgrade blank: "",
Ability related parameters (this block repeats as many times as there are abilities)
done until here
name Name of the ability. Custom text of moderate length
type Type of the ability, if left blank no ability type icon is displayed
  • Active
  • Autocast
  • Godspell
  • Passive
  • Toggle
upgrade_dependency Upgrade level of the ability, creates little stars icon
  • 0 (= default)
  • 1, 2, 3
affinity_dependency Affinity dependency of the ability, is tied to card parameter affinity, defaults to False
  • True
  • False
cost Power cost of the ability, displayed only in tooltip Custom integer value, should not exceed 3 digits
description Full description of the ability, displayed only in tooltip Custom text
values Full description of the ability, displayed only in tooltip Custom text
upgrade_text Full description of the ability, displayed only in tooltip Custom text
    ["Abomination (Frost)"] = {
        -- affinity = "Frost", overwrites indicated affinity above (for promo cases)
        -- tooltip description above everything
        description = "Cost to transform into this unit: 165",
        -- if the card is owned by all players as a pve starter card, then set true 
        starter_card = nil,
        -- card type (string) [Unit|Building|Spell]
        type = "Unit",
        -- edition (string) [Amii|Lost Souls|Renegade|Twilight]
        edition = "Amii",
        -- rarity (string) [Common|Uncommon|Rare|Ultra Rare]
        rarity = "Rare",
        -- orbs right to left (table<string>) [Fire|Frost|Nature|Shadow]
        orbs = {"Nature", "Nature", "Fire", "Fire"},
        -- card power cost (number) use a table if numbers change with upgrades i.e.: {220, 220, 220, 220},
        power_cost = 220,
        -- weapon_type (string|nil) [Melee|Ranged|Special|nil]
        weapon_type = "Melee",
        -- charges, when fully charged (number)
        charges = 4,
        -- squad size (number), how many individual members are summoned (units only)
        squadsize = 1,
        -- class (string)
        class = "Beast Destroyer",
        -- counter (string|nil) [S|M|L|XL|nil]
        counter = "XL",
        -- size class (string|nil) [S|M|L|XL|nil]
        size = "XL",
        -- damage (number|table<number>) use a table if numbers change with upgrades
        damage = {5270, 5550, 6100, 6700},
        -- health (number|table<number>) use a table if numbers change with upgrades
        health = 5550,
        -- Campaign drop location of each upgrade card
        upgrade_locations = {"Crusade", "Behind Enemy Lines", "Behind Enemy Lines"},
        -- text on upgrade cards that doesn't fit somewhere else, and is not atk or hp (autogenerated)
        upgrade_text = nil,
        -- list of abilities (table<ability_table>)
        abilities = {
                -- ability name (string)
                name = "Blessed Fury",
                -- ablity type (string) [Active|Passive|Autocast|Godspell|Toggle]; "nil" if no icon is shown in front of the name!
                type = "Active",
                -- number, i.e. 1 if ability is only available from upgrade 1 onwards
                upgrade_dependency = 0,
                -- true if ability is dependant on affinity (colored icon)
                affinity_dependency = true,
                -- ability cost (number|nil), omit = 0 (free), use a table if numbers change with upgrades
                cost = 120,
                -- ability description (string) shown in tooltip. %s is a placeholder for a value which changes on upgrades
                description = "Activate to release a furious roar that deals %s damage to enemies within a 25m radius around the unit, up to %s in total. Every hostile unit within that area will be stunned and unable to fight in close-combat for %s seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.",
                -- values for placeholder in same order (table<string|number>)
                values = {{840, 900, 900, 1000}, {2520, 2700, 2700, 3000}, {15, 15, 20, 20}},
                -- text displayed on upgrade card above ability (table<string>) nil if nothing happens on that single upgrade
                upgrade_text = {"+60 damage per target, 180 in total", "+5s duration", "+100 damage per target, 300 in total"}
            }, {
                -- same as above, but minimized (removed unnecessary lines)
                name = "Transformation",
                type = "Active",
                cost = 0,
                description = "The unit is infected with the Twilight Curse and can be transformed into any other Twilight creature. Activate to start the mutant process and choose a Twilight unit from the current deck to be transformed into. The current deck must contain at least one other Twilight unit whose orb requirements are met!"

See also

  • Module CardData
  • Module CardData/get
  • Module CardData/has
  • Category Modules
