Skylords Reborn

Lost Vigil is a Tier 3 (Tokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb ShadowTokenslot Orb Frost) Icon UnitUnit of the Lost Souls faction. This uncommon card was released with the Lost Souls Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Nature Nature and Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Celestial Blast
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 2 seconds, unit casts a thunderous lance that deals 90 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around its target, up to 135 in total. Can only attack ground entities.
Revenant's Doom
Power Cost: 105
Lost Vigil Revenant's Doom Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Active: Activate to bestow the unit with a curse that will make it resurrect in case it dies. The resurrected revenant will only be a shadow of its former self but it will be endowed with the same abilities and equal in strength. After 25 seconds the revenant will then die once and for all. May only be triggered once.
Gifted Invigoration
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Nature Nature
Lost Vigil Gifted Invigoration Ability Icon
Card Icon Passive Affinity Nature Passive: Unit considerably gains in strength when positioned within a 20m radius around a friendly structure. It then has a long range of 50m and every blast deals 135 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around the target, up to 200 in total. Additionally, the unit will regenerate 18 life points every second.

Celestial Blast
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 2 seconds, unit casts a thunderous lance that deals 90 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around its target, up to 135 in total. Can only attack ground entities.
Revenant's Doom
Power Cost: 105
Lost Vigil Revenant's Doom Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Active: Activate to bestow the unit with a curse that will make it resurrect in case it dies. The resurrected revenant will only be a shadow of its former self but it will be endowed with the same abilities and equal in strength. After 25 seconds the revenant will then die once and for all. May only be triggered once.
Tainted Invigoration
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow
Lost Vigil Tainted Invigoration Ability Icon
Card Icon Passive Affinity Shadow Passive: Unit considerably gains in strength when positioned within a 20m radius around a friendly structure. It then has a long range of 50m and every blast deals 135 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around the target, up to 200 in total. Additionally, 25% of the damage dealt by the unit will be added to its life points.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Lost Vigil Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Lost Vigil (Nature) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +50
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +100
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +110
Drop Location Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Lost Vigil Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Lost Vigil (Shadow) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +50
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +100
Lost Vigil
Lifepoints +110
Drop Location Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's End
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400042
  • Active ability Card Icon Active Revenant's Doom:
    • Standardized the cost to activate the unit faction trait ability from a loose rule of 75% of the card's power cost to a percentage of the card's power cost based on its tier (75% / 65% / 50%):
      • Decreased the cost of activation from 120 to 105 power.
  • Adjusted the card's upgrade drop locations:
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Lost Vigil Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Lost Vigil (Nature) Defending Hope Defending Hope Defending Hope Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Nightmare's End
Lost Vigil Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Lost Vigil (Shadow) Blight The Guns of Lyr The Guns of Lyr Nightmare's End Nightmare's End Nightmare's End
Patch #400035
  • Active ability Lost Vigil Revenant's Doom Ability Icon Revenant's Doom (only Lost Vigil Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Lost Vigil (Shadow)):
    • Aligned displayed attack value of total damage dealt over 20 seconds of the Revenant with the regular card.
      • Decreased displayed attack value of total damage dealt over 20 seconds from 1500 to 1290.
Patch #400031
  • Active ability Lost Vigil Revenant's Doom Ability Icon Revenant's Doom:
    • The power cost of the Revenant has been decreased from 120 to 0, as the unit is unbound.
      • Thus, there is no longer a power cost displayed on the card representation.
      • The ability cost itself was not changed.

See also

Number of Orbs