Skylords Reborn

Hatecaster is a Tier 4 (Tokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb FireTokenslot Orb Nature) Icon BuildingBuilding of the Twilight faction. This uncommon card was released with the Lost Souls Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Nature Nature and Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Slimy Throw-Off
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 4 seconds, building throws out slimy balls that deal 442 / 465 / 512 / 663 damage to enemies in a 15m radius, up to 663 / 698 / 768 / 845 in total. Knocks back small and medium units.
Gifted Evaporation
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Nature Nature
Hatecaster Gifted Evaporation Ability Icon
Card Icon Passive Affinity Nature Passive: The building evaporates noisome fume every 8 seconds: up to 3 hostile units within a 20m radius will be paralyzed for 10 seconds upon inhaling it. There is no way to avoid the effects of this fume and affected units will not be immune against Paralyze after the effect wears off.

Slimy Throw-Off
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Every 4 seconds, building throws out slimy balls that deal 442 / 465 / 512 / 663 damage to enemies in a 15m radius, up to 663 / 698 / 768 / 845 in total. Knocks back small and medium units.
Tainted Evaporation
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow
Hatecaster Tainted Evaporation Ability Icon
Card Icon Passive Affinity Shadow Passive: The building evaporates noisome fume every 4 seconds: up to 3 hostile units within a 20m radius will be paralyzed poisoned for 10 seconds upon inhaling it. They then take 100 damage every second. After the effect wears off, targets are immune against Paralyze for a while.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Hatecaster Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Hatecaster (Nature) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Slimy Throw-Off
+23 damage per target, 35 in total
Slimy Throw-Off
+47 damage per target, 70 in total
Slimy Throw-Off
+151 damage per target, 77 in total
Drop Location King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Hatecaster Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Hatecaster (Shadow) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Slimy Throw-Off
+23 damage per target, 35 in total
Slimy Throw-Off
+47 damage per target, 70 in total
Slimy Throw-Off
+151 damage per target, 77 in total
Drop Location King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants King of the Giants Minimap King of the Giants
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400042
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Hatecaster Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Hatecaster (Nature) Sunbridge Sunbridge Sunbridge King of the Giants King of the Giants King of the Giants
Hatecaster Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Hatecaster (Shadow) Nightmare Shard Nightmare Shard Nightmare Shard King of the Giants King of the Giants King of the Giants
Patch #400035
  • Changed the card's orb requirements from 2 Fire + 2 Nature to 1 Fire + 1 Nature + 2 Neutral.

See also

Number of Orbs