Skylords Reborn

Emberstrike is a Tier 4 (Tokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb Fire) Icon UnitUnit of the Fire faction. This common card was released with the Twilight Edition and has no affinity variants, nor a promo version.
In Skylords Reborn this card is available to all players as a starter card.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.

A very versatile creature. The Emberstrike is powerful and cheap, but its counter type and size make it seldom seen.



We watched it fall and fall, slashing the sky with red light, twinkling magnificently,a jewel of the heavens on its majestic descent to the earth. The villagers around me oohed and aahed, holding up their children to witness the glory of light and sound that marked the star's descent, gasping as it finally struck the ground.
As we reached the impact site everyone was already whispering of star-faeries, heaven-gold and of course quarreling about whose wishes were to be fulfilled first. But when something stirred in the sea of molten rock where the fire had hit the earth, as IT finally rose in a wake of flames, the villagers very soon discovered that this faerie had but a single wish to grant...
— “A year and a night” — Stories from the Bladestorm Frontier



Card Icon Active

Fire Lance

Activate to shoot a fire lance through enemies in a straight line, dealing 850 / 900 / 1000 / 1100 damage to enemies, up to 1300 / 1360 / 1500 / 1650 in total. Reusable every 30 seconds.

Costs 50 Power

Fire Lance is a cheap, reliable skill that damages any opponent in its wake, including flying creatures. Although its damage is limited, its ability to hit any foe allows the Emberstrike to engage any opponent it faces.

Card Icon Passive

Fiery Birth

When being spawned unit causes an explosion that deals 500 damage to enemy units in target area, up to 750 in total. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground units only.

Fiery Birth is triggered on the summoning of Emberstrike, and is similar to Eruption Card Icon Eruption, albeit more powerful. This allows the summoning of this unit to be applied as an offensive tactic.

Card Info

Fire Lance
Power Cost: 20
Emberstrike Fire Lance Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Active: Activate to shoot a fire lance through enemies in a straight line, dealing 1050 / 1100 / 1200 / 1300 damage to enemies, up to 2900 / 2960 / 3100 / 3250 in total. Cannot damage Power Wells nor Monuments. Knocks back small and medium units. Reusable every 20 seconds.
Fiery Birth
Card Icon Passive Passive: When being spawned the unit is undazed and causes an explosion that deals 900 damage to enemy entities in target area, up to 2700 in total. Can be spawned nearby enemy units and structures excluding walls. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground targets only.

Notes & Strategies

Thanks to its forgiving power cost and versatile orb arrangement, this card can be incorporated into many decks. Its combat proficiency is well suited to an expendable frontline bruiser, putting out a great deal of harm before being killed.

Summoning them in the middle of a fight can be useful thanks to Fiery Birth.

Campaign PvE

Emberstrikes combat strength makes them ineffective at defeating large, powerful creatures like the Bandit Soulhunter Entity Icon Bandit Soulhunter or the Twilight Hulk Entity Icon Twilight Hulk on their own, but in numbers they can put up a fight.

Fire Lance allows them to engage foes like the Bandit Windhunter Entity Icon Bandit Windhunter and Twilight Creep Entity Icon Twilight Creep without being helpless.

Random PvE

The slow speed of Emberstrikes and their lower hitpoints make them unreliable in the late-game where large swarms of late tier creatures and towers are encountered.


Message Box Banner PvP Disclaimer
PvP Strategy Disclaimer
  • Tier 4 cards are rarely used in 1vs1 Player vs Player (PvP) matches, due to the bound energy cost of building a fourth orb.
  • The following strategies might be more likely to be applied to 2vs2 and 3vs3 matches, where Tier 4 can be found in play more often.
Size matters!

Message Box Banner PvP Disclaimer
PvP Strategy Disclaimer
  • Tier 4 cards are rarely used in 1vs1 Player vs Player (PvP) matches, due to the bound energy cost of building a fourth orb.
  • The following strategies might be more likely to be applied to 2vs2 and 3vs3 matches, where Tier 4 can be found in play more often.
Size matters!

Emberstrike is built as a low-cost workhorse. Its high damage output enables it to swarm and conquer unprepared enemy lines, but its low HP and counter type keep it less than favorable.


  • Can be very easily spammed and is strong in numbers.

Thanks to a measly 120 power cost, Emberstrikes are very easy to summon in bulk and can do alot of damage in groups.

  • Emberstrike Fire Lance Ability Icon Fire Lance can penetrate targets and hit flyers.

The nature of this skill allows Emberstrikes to hit more vulnerable targets sitting behind tougher frontline creatures. Furthermore its capacity to hit a flying target grants it excellent versatility.


  • Counter Damage is unfavorable

In T4, medium units are few and far between. Rarely do Emberstrikes effectively capitalize on their counter.

  • Emberstrike has low HP.

With an upgraded health pool only modestly above a Power Well, Emberstrike is very easy to kill.

  • Melee Vulnerabilities

While Emberstrike Fire Lance Ability Icon Fire Lance can remedy to an extent, Emberstrike is still a melee creature; Innately vulnerable to Crowd Control.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Emberstrike Card Icon Emberstrike Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lifepoints +40
Fire Lance
+50 damage per target, 60 in total
Lifepoints +275
Fire Lance
+100 damage per target, 140 in total
Lifepoints +325
Fire Lance
+100 damage per target, 150 in total
Drop Location Sunbridge Minimap Sunbridge Sunbridge Minimap Sunbridge Sunbridge Minimap Sunbridge
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400022
  • Active ability Emberstrike Fire Lance Ability Icon Fire Lance:
    • Decreased activation cost from 50 to 20 energy.
    • Decreased cooldown from 30 to 20 seconds.
    • Increased damage from 850 / 900 / 1000 / 1100 (1300 / 1360 / 1500 / 1650 in total) to 1050 / 1100 / 1200 / 1300 (2900 / 2960 / 3100 / 3250 in total).
  • Passive ability Firey Birth:
    • Unit is now always being spawned undazed.
    • Minimum distance to be spawned near enemy buildings reduced from 10m to 0m (still 10m for walls).
    • Increased damage on all upgrades from 500 (750 in total) to 900 (2700 in total).

See also

Number of Orbs