Skylords Reborn

Earthkeeper is a Tier 2 (Tokenslot Orb NatureTokenslot Orb Frost) Icon UnitUnit of the Stonekin faction. This uncommon card was released with the Amii Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Fire Fire and Affinity Orb Frost Frost, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Infused Backup
Power Cost: 0
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Fire Fire
Earthkeeper Infused Backup Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Affinity Fire Active: Activate to become immobile and absorb 50% of all damage done to the targeted friendly unit and allow it to deal 30% more damage.The absorbed damage is transferred to all own Stonekin within a 45m radius around the target. The transferred damage cannot be warded off by damage reducing abilities. Spell will be interrupted if unit is knocked back. Otherwise lasts until unit is given different orders. Reusable every 30 seconds.
Adamant Skin
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit takes 15% less damage.

Blessed Backup
Power Cost: 0
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Frost Frost
Earthkeeper Blessed Backup Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Affinity Frost Active: Activate to become immobile and absorb all damage done to the targeted friendly unit. The absorbed damage is transferred to all own Stonekin within a 45m radius around the target. The transferred damage cannot be warded off by damage reducing abilities. Spell will be interrupted if unit is knocked back. Otherwise lasts until unit is given different orders. Reusable every 30 seconds.
Adamant Skin
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit takes 15% less damage.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Earthkeeper Card IconAffinity Orb Fire Earthkeeper (Fire) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lifepoints +30
Lifepoints +60
Lifepoints +60
Drop Location The Soultree Minimap The Soultree The Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven Riddle The Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven Riddle
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Earthkeeper Card IconAffinity Orb Frost Earthkeeper (Frost) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lifepoints +30
Lifepoints +60
Lifepoints +60
Drop Location The Soultree Minimap The Soultree The Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven Riddle The Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven Riddle
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400045
  • Increased the average damage dealt over 20 seconds from 540 to 660.
  • Active ability Earthkeeper Infused Backup Ability Icon Infused Backup / Earthkeeper Blessed Backup Ability Icon Blessed Backup:
    • Decreased the activation cost from 25 power to 0 power.
Patch #400042
  • Active ability Earthkeeper Infused Backup Ability Icon Infused Backup / Earthkeeper Blessed Backup Ability Icon Blessed Backup:
    • Increased damage spread range from 40m to 45m.
      • This prevents an issue where the connected unit would sometimes not transfer any damage to Earthkeeper Card Icon Earthkeeper.
  • Adjusted the card's upgrade drop locations:
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Earthkeeper Card IconAffinity Orb Fire Earthkeeper (Fire) King of the Giants King of the Giants King of the Giants The Soultree The Dwarven Riddle The Dwarven Riddle
Earthkeeper Card IconAffinity Orb Frost Earthkeeper (Frost) Bad Harvest Bad Harvest Bad Harvest The Soultree The Dwarven Riddle The Dwarven Riddle
Patch #400039
  • Active ability Earthkeeper Infused Backup Ability Icon Infused Backup / Earthkeeper Blessed Backup Ability Icon Blessed Backup:
    • Increased the activation cost from 0 power to 25 power.
    • The caster is no longer immune to knockback for the duration of the channel.
    • Increased the duration of the channel from a maximum of 30 seconds to until interrupted.
Patch #400035
  • Increased the unit's rotation speed from 200 to 300.
Pre-Release Patch #400002
  • Fixed Russian card description spelling mistakes (for both affinities).

See also

Number of Orbs