Skylords Reborn

Deepfang is a Tier 3 (Tokenslot Orb NatureFrostTokenslot Orb NatureTokenslot Orb Frost) Icon UnitUnit of the Stonekin faction. This rare card was released with the Amii Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Fire Fire and Affinity Orb Nature Nature, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Unit releases a fiery stream that deals 165 damage to enemies every second.
Infused Union
Power Cost: 50
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Fire Fire
Deepfang Infused Union Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Affinity Fire Active: Activate to deal 50 damage to enemies within a 20m radius, up to 300 in total. Knocks back small, medium and large units. Also creates an attack zone of 20m radius that allows Deepfang and its Critters to deal 50% more damage. At least one Critter needs to be nearby (within 20m). Lasts for 20 seconds. Reusable every 20 seconds.
Stonekin Critter
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit is spawned with 2 adherers that will follow it loyally and that can be sacrificed in order to restore its life points.
Adamant Skin
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit takes 15% less damage.
Card Icon Passive Passive: Slow movement.

Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Unit releases a fiery stream that deals 165 damage to enemies every second.
Gifted Union
Power Cost: 50
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Nature Nature
Deepfang Gifted Union Ability Icon
Card Icon Active Affinity Nature Active: Activate to throw out toxic saliva poisoning the area: every enemy within a 20m radius will take 50 damage per second. At least one Critter needs to be nearby (within 20m). Lasts for 20 seconds. Reusable every 20 seconds.
Stonekin Critter
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit is spawned with 2 adherers that will follow it loyally and that can be sacrificed in order to restore its life points.
Adamant Skin
Card Icon Passive Passive: The unit takes 15% less damage.
Card Icon Passive Passive: Slow movement.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Deepfang Card IconAffinity Orb Fire Deepfang (Fire) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lifepoints +130
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 25 life points
Lifepoints +250
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 50 life points
Lifepoints +450
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 50 life points
Drop Location The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Deepfang Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Deepfang (Nature) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Lifepoints +130
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 25 life points
Lifepoints +250
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 50 life points
Lifepoints +450
Stonekin Critter
+ Critters gain 50 life points
Drop Location The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400042
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Deepfang Card IconAffinity Orb Fire Deepfang (Fire) Convoy Convoy Convoy The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet
Deepfang Card IconAffinity Orb Nature Deepfang (Nature) Titans Titans Titans The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet The Treasure Fleet
Patch #400039
  • Increased the unit's life points from 2370 / 2500 / 2750 / 3200 to 2670 / 2800 / 3050 / 3500.
  • Autocast ability Card Icon Autocast Icefire:
    • Increased damage per second from 150 to 165.
      • Increased displayed attack value of total damage dealt over 20 seconds from 3000 to 3300.
  • Passive ability Card Icon Passive Stonekin Critter:
    • Increased the life points of summoned Stonekin Critter from 425 / 450 / 500 / 550 to 625 / 650 / 700 / 750.
    • Autocast ability Card Icon Autocast Steam Boiler of summoned Stonekin Critter:
      • Increased damage from 60 (90 in total) to 72 (108 in total).
      • Increased displayed attack value of total damage dealt over 20 seconds from 500 to 600.
Patch #400035
  • Changed the card's orb requirements from 2 Frost + 1 Nature to 1 Frost + 1 Nature + 1 Nature/Frost.
  • Passive ability Card Icon Passive Stonekin Critter:
    • The orb requirements of summoned Stonekin Critter have been changed from 2 Frost + 1 Nature to 1 Frost + 1 Nature + 1 Frost/Nature.
Patch #400031
  • Passive ability Card Icon Passive Stonekin Critter:
    • The power cost of summoned Stonekin Critters has been decreased from 150 to 0, as the units are unbound.
      • Thus, there is no longer a power cost displayed on the card representation.
Patch #400030
  • Passive ability Card Icon Passive Stonekin Critter:
    • The summoned Stonekin Critters can now properly be slowed down to walkspeed.
  • The passive ability Card Icon Passive Slow is now explained in the card's tooltip.
Pre-Release Patch #400002
  • Fixed Russian card description spelling mistakes (for both affinities).

See also

Number of Orbs