Skylords Reborn

Danduil is a 2v2 PvP map that is unlocked by default. There is an official spectator version available.


Patch History

Patch #400033
  • Removed the 4 Fortification Wall Entity Icon Fortification Walls surrounding the Monument Entity Icon Monuments on both sides ().
  • Added 1 Power Well Entity Icon Power Well of 600 power capacity at each of the 4 monument positions in the corners as depicted below (1).
  • Adjusted terrain textures to match all the changes.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to spawn non-S-sized units by the ground presence provided by the outer power wells (2 and 3).
  • Swapped the starting positions including the power wells and monuments of the teams, whilst preserving previous symmetry.
  • Changed the type of the players to Human in the map settings.
  • Adjusted the minimap to reflect the changes and to be more accurate in general.
  • Added an official spectator version of the changed map.
Danduil Minimap OldStarting Position Player 01 IconStarting Position Player 02 IconStarting Position Player 03 IconStarting Position Player 04 Icon


Danduil MinimapStarting Position Player 01 IconStarting Position Player 02 IconStarting Position Player 03 IconStarting Position Player 04 Icon11112233

See also

Maps (Number of players)
scenarios (PvE)
1 Player Behind Enemy Lines Minimap Behind Enemy LinesDefending Hope Minimap Defending HopeEncounters with Twilight Minimap Encounters with Twilight ▪ (Introduction Minimap Introduction) ▪ Mo Minimap MoOcean Minimap OceanOracle Minimap OracleSiege of Hope Minimap Siege of HopeThe Soultree Minimap The SoultreeThe Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet
2 Players Convoy Minimap ConvoyCrusade Minimap CrusadeInto the Jungle Minimap Into the JungleNightmare Shard Minimap Nightmare ShardNightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's EndSlave Master Minimap Slave MasterSunbridge Minimap SunbridgeThe Insane God Minimap The Insane GodUnexpected Visitors Minimap Unexpected Visitors
4 Players Bad Harvest Minimap Bad HarvestBlight Minimap BlightEmpire Minimap EmpireKing of the Giants Minimap King of the GiantsRaven's End Minimap Raven's EndThe Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven RiddleThe Guns of Lyr Minimap The Guns of LyrTitans Minimap Titans
12 Players Ascension Map 1 MinimapAscension Map 2 MinimapAscension Map 3 Minimap AscensionPassage to Darkness Map 1 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 2 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 3 Minimap Passage to Darkness
Player vs Player maps (PvP) 1vs1 Elyon Minimap ElyonHaladur Minimap HaladurLajesh Minimap LajeshSimai Minimap SimaiUro Minimap UroWazhai Minimap WazhaiYrmia Minimap Yrmia
2vs2 Danduil Minimap DanduilFyre Minimap FyreGorgash Minimap GorgashKoshan Minimap KoshanNadai Minimap NadaiTuran Minimap TuranYshia Minimap YshiaZahadune Minimap Zahadune