Skylords Reborn

SkylordsReborn is a social game that strongly emphasizes communication between players. To allow players to manage their peers, the tab Contacts exists in the forge menu. There players can access their friends and ignore list, search for other players and select their status.

Friends list & Ignore list[]

By right clicking on a player's name and clicking the respective button, you can add them to your friends or ignore list. They will then show up in these lists as seen in the image below:

Contacts friends list

The Ignore list behaves just like the friends list.

Search Player[]

Contacts search player

The pop-up menu has more buttons enabled, when the player is online.

On this tab you can type in a player's name to get the possibility to interact with him via the right click pop-up menu, which can also be accessed in chat, in your current location's members list in the top right corner or in the bottom right corner if your in a group with other players.

As for all of these tabs, you can sort the results by Name, Status, and Location. Pay attention to spelling and upper/lower case, otherwise the results may be insufficient.

Status Selection[]

Contacts status

Status selection in the top right corner of the Contacts window.

The players own status can also be manually selected here:

  • Online
  • Looking For Group (LFG)
  • Do Not Disturb (DND)
  • Away From Keyboard (AFK)

This is also what shows up in the "status" column or when using the /who command in chat.

See also[]

Client Features
Forge Menu Bar

InventoryNews (AchievementsDaily RewardsQuestsRankings) ▪ MarketplaceChronicleWorld MapIngame MailContactsOptions Menu


ChatDirect Trade
