Skylords Reborn

Behind Enemy Lines is a 1-player PvE scenario that can be played on Advanced and Expert difficulty. It is part of the campaign story The Twilight Taint.

A new religion is infecting its followers with the Twilight. Interrupt the transformation of the Twilight disciples before they turn into monsters.



 Of course there were those who believed the Twilight represented a new ordering of things. Fools who claimed the only chance of survival was to embrace it, formed cults, the largest naming itself the Twilight Church. Intent on snatching their share of the future, ministers began to infect their followers with the curse, experimenting with the process of transformation.
— The Aedai Chronicles


 The first encounter with the Twilight Church proved the start of a thread destined to unravel a tapestry of corruption. From the first infection sites spread a terrible net of infestations. They spanned the north regions of Shrike up to the Lyrish border. But still, the leaders of the Church remained unseen.
— The Aedai Chronicles


Behind Enemy Lines Available Tier 1 Upgrades
(Total: 0)
Available Tier 2 Upgrades
(Total: 23)
Available Tier 3 Upgrades (Total: 23)
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert
List of Card Upgrades Scenario not available on standard difficulty.


Patch History

Patch #400042
  • Added self-destruction to the Fortification Wall Entity Icon Fortification Wall in the top left corner once 50% of its wall segments are destroyed ().
  • Added vision blocking between the top left camp and the top middle camp to prevent flying units from engaging in combat over the cliff (1).
  • Decreased unit blocking alongside the cliffs of the plateau to allow for easier targeting of enemies on the route below (2).
Behind Enemy Lines Minimap12222
Patch #400033 - Mid-Patch Update (06 June 2022)
  • Fixed unobtainable monuments on the map Behind Enemy Lines Minimap Behind Enemy Lines due to the recent map changes.
Patch #400033
  • Added 1 additional starting Power Well Entity Icon Power Well with 1200 power capacity ().
    • This means the power well is built and produces power for the player right from the start of the game.
Behind Enemy Lines Minimap

See also

Maps (Number of players)
scenarios (PvE)
1 Player Behind Enemy Lines Minimap Behind Enemy LinesDefending Hope Minimap Defending HopeEncounters with Twilight Minimap Encounters with Twilight ▪ (Introduction Minimap Introduction) ▪ Mo Minimap MoOcean Minimap OceanOracle Minimap OracleSiege of Hope Minimap Siege of HopeThe Soultree Minimap The SoultreeThe Treasure Fleet Minimap The Treasure Fleet
2 Players Convoy Minimap ConvoyCrusade Minimap CrusadeInto the Jungle Minimap Into the JungleNightmare Shard Minimap Nightmare ShardNightmare's End Minimap Nightmare's EndSlave Master Minimap Slave MasterSunbridge Minimap SunbridgeThe Insane God Minimap The Insane GodUnexpected Visitors Minimap Unexpected Visitors
4 Players Bad Harvest Minimap Bad HarvestBlight Minimap BlightEmpire Minimap EmpireKing of the Giants Minimap King of the GiantsRaven's End Minimap Raven's EndThe Dwarven Riddle Minimap The Dwarven RiddleThe Guns of Lyr Minimap The Guns of LyrTitans Minimap Titans
12 Players Ascension Map 1 MinimapAscension Map 2 MinimapAscension Map 3 Minimap AscensionPassage to Darkness Map 1 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 2 MinimapPassage to Darkness Map 3 Minimap Passage to Darkness
Player vs Player maps (PvP) 1vs1 Elyon Minimap ElyonHaladur Minimap HaladurLajesh Minimap LajeshSimai Minimap SimaiUro Minimap UroWazhai Minimap WazhaiYrmia Minimap Yrmia
2vs2 Danduil Minimap DanduilFyre Minimap FyreGorgash Minimap GorgashKoshan Minimap KoshanNadai Minimap NadaiTuran Minimap TuranYshia Minimap YshiaZahadune Minimap Zahadune