Skylords Reborn

Basic Info[]

The Bandit Master Healer is a unique type of bandit shaman that can only be found on Introduction Minimap Introduction and Bad Harvest Minimap Bad Harvest. They have the unique ability to constantly restore the health of whatever they channel their healing beam on, but can be distracted by engaging them in melee.

Ability Info[]

Official Tooltip
Can deliver a powerful stream of healing, but only as long as he is not attacked in melee.
Leader Immunities
Leader Immunities Ability Icon
Card Icon Passive Passive: Generic Boss Immunities
Healing Stream
Card Icon Autocast Autocast: Placeholder

  • The ability name and description are not official.
  • Healing Stream can make it impossible to kill whatever is being healed by it. Focus on the source rather than the target!

Tips & Strategies[]

Bandit Master Healers are capable of staggering levels of healing, both to themselves and whatever they are targeting. Engaging them in melee is a must to shut down the constant healing stream they emit, otherwise victory is a fruitless endeavor.


  • The Bandit Master Healer is a larger model of the regular Bandit Shaman Entity Icon Bandit Shaman.