Skylords Reborn

Architect's Call is a Tier 3 (Tokenslot Orb NeutralTokenslot Orb FrostTokenslot Orb Frost) Icon SpellSpell of the Frost faction. This uncommon card was released with the Lost Souls Edition and has 2 affinity variants, Affinity Orb Frost Frost and Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow, but not a promo version.

This card has been changed already, compared to its original appearance in BattleForge.


This card has no associated lore.

Card Info

Blessed Construction
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Frost Frost
Card Icon Godspell Affinity Frost Godspell: Creates a productive aura that reduces the necessary construction time of friendly buildings placed within a 20m radius by 25 / 35 / 50 / 50%. Additionally, every friendly building within it will be constantly repaired and restores 20 life points per second. Lasts for 20 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.

Tainted Construction
Affinity Dependency: Affinity Orb Shadow Shadow
Card Icon Godspell Affinity Shadow Godspell: Creates a productive aura that reduces the necessary construction time of friendly buildings placed within a 20m radius by 25 / 35 / 50 / 50%. Additionally, every enemy unit within it will be weakened and deal 30% less damage against structures. Lasts for 20 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.

Card Upgrades & Drop Locations

Displayed below are the card's upgrades and where to obtain them.

Architect's Call Card IconAffinity Orb Frost Architect's Call (Frost) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Architect's Call
Blessed Construction
+10% faster building construction
Architect's Call
Blessed Construction
+15% faster building construction
Architect's Call
-10 power cost
Drop Location Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert

Architect's Call Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Architect's Call (Shadow) Upgrade I Upgrade II Upgrade III
Upgrade Card
Architect's Call
Tainted Construction
+10% faster building construction
Architect's Call
Tainted Construction
+15% faster building construction
Architect's Call
-10 power cost
Drop Location Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Minimap Siege of Hope
Scenario Difficulty Standard Advanced Expert


Patch History

Patch #400046
  • Card Icon Godspell Affinity Frost Blessed Construction:
    • Adjusted the healing over time effect using the AbilityLine RegenerationOld to be stackable with other forms of regeneration.
Patch #400042
Card Name Former Scenario Drop Locations New Scenario Drop Locations
Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3 Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Architect's Call Card IconAffinity Orb Frost Architect's Call (Frost) Siege of Hope The Guns of Lyr The Guns of Lyr Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Siege of Hope
Architect's Call Card IconAffinity Orb Shadow Architect's Call (Shadow) Nightmare Shard Nightmare Shard Nightmare Shard Siege of Hope Siege of Hope Siege of Hope

See also

Number of Orbs